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Result of Speakers Submissions

If you want to submit a conference proposal, please fill the following form: callForSpeaker.html

The following tables represent all proposal for each city.

Armenia - Yerevan

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Australia - Sydney

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile portfolio management toolkit in practiceExpert45'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
Visual management : how to organize effective Agile workspaceEverybody45'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile transformation at scale: wins and failsEverybody45'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Austria - Vienna

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
Learn sooner whether you are wrong: aging is just good for your wine, not for your workEverybody30'Rodrigo Sperbrodrigosperb [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView

Belarus - Minsk

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Belgium - Brussels

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
User Story Mapping - A Crash CourseEverybody2h00Frances Placefrances [at] whiteoctober [dot] co [dot] ukSubmissionView
A Poet's Guide to Acceptance TestingEverybody45'George Dinwiddiegdinwiddie [at] idiacomputing [dot] comSubmissionView
Lean UX: getting out of the deliverables businessEverybody1hFrederik Vannieuwenhuysefrederik [dot] vannieuwenhuyse [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Catching the Good onesEverybody1h15Ralph van Roosmalen / Daan van Oschralphvanroosmalen [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Devenez acteur de votre agilité grâce au théâtre.Everybody45'Franck Rageadefranck [dot] rageade [at] persistent [dot] comSubmissionView
: Intégration continue, DevOps et après ?Everybody45'Laurent Tardiflaurent [dot] tardif [at] persistent [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
More with LeSS - Truly Scale Business Agility in Product DevelopmentSensitized1h30Jurgen De Smet + Nelis Bouckéjurgen [at] co-learning [dot] beSubmissionView
Delegate is an Art - Growing Self-Managing TeamsEverybody1hJurgen De Smet + Annelies De Meyerejurgen [at] co-learning [dot] beSubmissionView
Scale Up Decision Making - Making decisions with 100+ peopleEverybody1hJurgen De Smet + Johan Tréjurgen [at] co-learning [dot] beSubmissionView
Facts and Fallacy of Continuous DeliveryEverybody1hThierry de Pauwthierry [at] wayofthinking [dot] netSubmissionView
Agile4HR... Hacking corporate cultureSensitized1h30Pierre E. Neispierre [at] wecompany [dot] meSubmissionView
The Done concept in Agile and out thereEverybody1hGilles Scokartgilles [dot] scokart [at] oniryx [dot] beSubmissionView
Refactor Mount Doom with ReactJSSensitized45'Erik Talboomerik [at] co-learning [dot] beSubmissionView
How to build a business case for your refactoringEverybody45'Erik Talboomerik [at] co-learning [dot] beSubmissionView
Hands on session: Splitting up a problem into microservicesEverybody45'Erik Talboomerik [at] co-learning [dot] beSubmissionView
WTF are we doing?Everybody45'Erik Talboomerik [at] co-learning [dot] beSubmissionView
Communication awareness through the Axen rose modelEverybody45'Erik Talboomerik [at] co-learning [dot] beSubmissionView
Responsibility modelEverybody45'Jan De Baerejan [at] baere [dot] netSubmissionView
Create cooperation within an organization through an « agile » budget processEverybody45'Michel Van den Bornemichel [at] openchoice [dot] beSubmissionView
The Hero’s Journey: a meaningful transformation process for individuals, teams and organizationsEverybody45'Michel Van den Bornemichel [at] openchoice [dot] beSubmissionView
Education through game simulations. Practical cases of test engineer educational processEverybody1hNikita Syskovnikita_syskov [at] epam [dot] comSubmissionView
Retrospectives ReinventedEverybody45'Gurpreet Singh Chadhagp [dot] singh [dot] tech [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Ideal Bite Size - Slicing User StoriesEverybody45'Gurpreet Singh Chadhagp [dot] singh [dot] tech [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Ideal Bite Size - Slicing User StoriesEverybody45'Gurpreet Singh Chadhagp [dot] singh [dot] tech [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
The Smell of Agile CultureEverybody45'Gurpreet Singh Chadhagp [dot] singh [dot] tech [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Flatten your organisation but not your peopleEverybody1hJas ChongJas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] comSubmissionView
No More Goat Rodeos: How to Prepare for Better Workshops, Retros, and MeetingsEverybody45'Nathaniel Cadwellnathaniel [dot] cadwell [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Be on par during Sprint Retrospective.Everybody30'Izabela Kowalikizabella [dot] kowalik [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Everyone can write concurrent code using Test Driven Design? Inconceivable!Everybody1hPascal Van Cauwenberghepvc_agiletour [at] nayima [dot] beSubmissionView
Introduction to SAFe, the Scaled Agile FrameworkSensitized1hStephane Rondalstephane [dot] rondal [at] arexo [dot] beSubmissionView
Petits Outils de Management Agile à l’usage des Honnêtes Managers Acte IIEverybody1hJean Claude GROSJEANjcgrosjean [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Petits Outils d'AgileUX - LeanUX à l'usage des Honnêtes Product OwnersEverybody1hJean Claude Grosjeanjcgrosjean [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Develop Healthy Relationships at Work Using the Integral Theory and Integral CoachingEverybody1hPeter Morenopeter [dot] moreno [dot] o [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Repousser les limites !Everybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le conflit ! Énergie renouvelable d’une équipe très performanteEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Résoudre nos problèmes, gérer nos polaritésEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing organizations – Voyage au cœur du modèle présenté par LalouxEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Scaling Scrum – Introduction au cadre Nexus™Sensitized45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Immunothérapie pour le changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Problèmes insolubles et résistance au changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le second job (secret) de votre équipeEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing People – conscience et performance Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Individu et équipe – la polarité Agile !Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Politically Incorrect AgileSensitized45'Tiago Garceztiago [dot] garcez [at] agilar [dot] orgSubmissionView
Le leadership agileEverybody45'Antonin GAUNANDantonin [dot] gaunand [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
Learn sooner whether you are wrong: aging is just good for your wine, not for your workEverybody30'Rodrigo Sperbrodrigosperb [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView

Belgium - Liège

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Ideal Bite Size - Slicing User StoriesEverybody45'Gurpreet Singh Chadhagp [dot] singh [dot] tech [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Repousser les limites !Everybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le conflit ! Énergie renouvelable d’une équipe très performanteEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Résoudre nos problèmes, gérer nos polaritésEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing organizations – Voyage au cœur du modèle présenté par LalouxEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Scaling Scrum – Introduction au cadre Nexus™Sensitized45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Immunothérapie pour le changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Problèmes insolubles et résistance au changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le second job (secret) de votre équipeEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing People – conscience et performance Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Individu et équipe – la polarité Agile !Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
Learn sooner whether you are wrong: aging is just good for your wine, not for your workEverybody30'Rodrigo Sperbrodrigosperb [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView

Brazil - Aracaju

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Belém

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Belo Horizonte

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Brasilia

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Campo Grande

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Cuiabá

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Curitiba

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Fortaleza

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - João Pessoa

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Juazeiro do Norte

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Manaus

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Maringá

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Poços de Caldas

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Recife

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Rio de Janeiro

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile portfolio management toolkit in practiceExpert45'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - Salvador

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Brazil - São Paulo

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Canada - Gatineau-Ottawa

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Canada - Montréal

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Petits Outils de Management Agile à l’usage des Honnêtes Managers Acte IIEverybody1hJean Claude GROSJEANjcgrosjean [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Petits Outils d'AgileUX - LeanUX à l'usage des Honnêtes Product OwnersEverybody1hJean Claude Grosjeanjcgrosjean [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Canada - Québec

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Canada - Toronto

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Chile - Santiago De Chile

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Retrospectives ReinventedEverybody45'Gurpreet Singh Chadhagp [dot] singh [dot] tech [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Ideal Bite Size - Slicing User StoriesEverybody45'Gurpreet Singh Chadhagp [dot] singh [dot] tech [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
The Smell of Agile CultureEverybody45'Gurpreet Singh Chadhagp [dot] singh [dot] tech [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

China - Beijing

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

China - Changsha

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

China - Chengdu

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

China - Guangzhou

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

China - Hangzhou

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile Tour 2015 HangzhouEverybody1hEleanor Lilihui914 [at] hotmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile Tour 2015 HangzhouEverybody1hEleanor Lilihui914 [at] hotmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

China - Qingdao

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

China - Shanghai

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
manager Everybody45'lijingjing [dot] li [at] capgemini [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Product Owner & Dev - A tango in communicationEverybody30'Jas ChongJas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] comSubmissionView
Flatten your organisation but not your peopleEverybody1hJas ChongJas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

China - Shenzhen

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

China - Suzhou

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

China - Xian

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Deutschland - Stuttgart

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Ecuador - Quito

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

France - Avignon

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

France - Bordeaux

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
Happy !Everybody1h15Alexis Godaisalexis [dot] godais [at] buzzaka [dot] comSubmissionView
~ Poser les bonnes questions au bon moment pour transformer ses problèmes en challenges en co-créant ~ Everybody1h30Aurélie Le Guillouaurelie [at] turn-on [dot] frSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

France - Brest

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Repousser les limites !Everybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le conflit ! Énergie renouvelable d’une équipe très performanteEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Résoudre nos problèmes, gérer nos polaritésEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing organizations – Voyage au cœur du modèle présenté par LalouxEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Scaling Scrum – Introduction au cadre Nexus™Sensitized45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Immunothérapie pour le changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Problèmes insolubles et résistance au changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le second job (secret) de votre équipeEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing People – conscience et performance Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Individu et équipe – la polarité Agile !Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
~ Poser les bonnes questions au bon moment pour transformer ses problèmes en challenges en co-créant ~ Everybody1h30Aurélie Le Guillouaurelie [at] turn-on [dot] frSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

France - Clermont-Ferrand

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
Mes Outils électroniques Agile, tout un programme!Everybody45'Cedric Leblondc [dot] leblond [at] libertysurf [dot] frSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

France - Lille

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
: Intégration continue, DevOps et après ?Everybody45'Laurent Tardiflaurent [dot] tardif [at] persistent [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Etre Agile en familleEverybody1hJérôme Carfantanjerome [dot] carfantan [at] soat [dot] frSubmissionView
Petits Outils d'AgileUX - LeanUX à l'usage des Honnêtes Product OwnersEverybody1hJean Claude Grosjeanjcgrosjean [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile project macro estimation and planning : practical stepsEverybody15'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile portfolio management toolkit in practiceExpert45'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
Le leadership agileEverybody45'Antonin GAUNANDantonin [dot] gaunand [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Happy !Everybody1h15Alexis Godaisalexis [dot] godais [at] buzzaka [dot] comSubmissionView
Visual management : how to organize effective Agile workspaceEverybody45'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
Learn sooner whether you are wrong: aging is just good for your wine, not for your workEverybody30'Rodrigo Sperbrodrigosperb [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView

France - Marseille

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Flatten your organisation but not your peopleEverybody1hJas ChongJas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] comSubmissionView
De la culture projet à la culture produit avec des bananesEverybody45'Grégory Alexandreg [dot] alexandre [at] coactiv [dot] frSubmissionView
Mes merveilleuses techniques pour rater une transformation agileEverybody1h30Grégory Alexandre et Arnaud Gervaisg [dot] alexandre [at] clt-services [dot] comSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
Mes Outils électroniques Agile, tout un programme!Everybody45'Cedric Leblondc [dot] leblond [at] libertysurf [dot] frSubmissionView
Le leadership agileEverybody45'Antonin GAUNANDantonin [dot] gaunand [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
La contractualisation à la Poste, c’est possible : Saison 3 : Dispersion géographique, même pas mal !Sensitized45'Michel LEJEUNEmichel [dot] lejeune [at] laposte [dot] frSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

France - Montpellier

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Flatten your organisation but not your peopleEverybody1hJas ChongJas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] comSubmissionView
Etre Agile en familleEverybody1hJérôme Carfantanjerome [dot] carfantan [at] soat [dot] frSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

France - Nantes

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Etre Agile en familleEverybody1hJérôme Carfantanjerome [dot] carfantan [at] soat [dot] frSubmissionView
Profession : animateur de jeuEverybody45'Sébastien MENETRIERsebastien [dot] menetrier [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
L'amélioration continue, c'est l'affaire de tousEverybody1hSébastien MENETRIERsebastien [dot] menetrier [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Identifier vos rétrospectives pour qu'elles soient efficaces !Sensitized45'Pascal Poussardpascal [dot] poussard [at] soat [dot] frSubmissionView
Repousser les limites !Everybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le conflit ! Énergie renouvelable d’une équipe très performanteEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Résoudre nos problèmes, gérer nos polaritésEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing organizations – Voyage au cœur du modèle présenté par LalouxEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Scaling Scrum – Introduction au cadre Nexus™Sensitized45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Immunothérapie pour le changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Problèmes insolubles et résistance au changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le second job (secret) de votre équipeEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing People – conscience et performance Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Individu et équipe – la polarité Agile !Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Mes Outils électroniques Agile, tout un programme!Everybody45'Cedric Leblondc [dot] leblond [at] libertysurf [dot] frSubmissionView
Le leadership agileEverybody45'Antonin GAUNANDantonin [dot] gaunand [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Happy !Everybody1h15Alexis Godaisalexis [dot] godais [at] buzzaka [dot] comSubmissionView
~ Poser les bonnes questions au bon moment pour transformer ses problèmes en challenges en co-créant ~ Everybody1h30Aurélie Le Guillouaurelie [at] turn-on [dot] frSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

France - Paris

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile : Des Origines à plus 50 méthodesEverybody15'Patrice Petitppetit [at] agilbee [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile : Des Origines à plus 50 méthodesEverybody15'Patrice Petitppetit [at] agilbee [dot] comSubmissionView
La négociation dans les projets agilesEverybody45'Jean-Hugues CONGIAjhcongia [at] arcileo [dot] comSubmissionView
La négociation dans les projets agilesEverybody45'Jean-Hugues CONGIAjhcongia [at] arcileo [dot] comSubmissionView
Devenez acteur de votre agilité grâce au théâtre.Everybody45'Franck Rageadefranck [dot] rageade [at] persistent [dot] comSubmissionView
Devenez acteur de votre agilité grâce au théâtre.Everybody45'Franck Rageadefranck [dot] rageade [at] persistent [dot] comSubmissionView
How to achieve a successful intrapreneurship experience in a big company…Everybody1hImane Khalikane & Bertrand Dourbertrand [dot] dour [at] agilegenius [dot] comSubmissionView
How to achieve a successful intrapreneurship experience in a big company…Everybody1hImane Khalikane & Bertrand Dourbertrand [dot] dour [at] agilegenius [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
Product Owner & Dev - A tango in communicationEverybody30'Jas ChongJas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] comSubmissionView
Flatten your organisation but not your peopleEverybody1hJas ChongJas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] comSubmissionView
Manager en couleur avec le DISCEverybody30'Thierry Lerichethierryler [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Manager en couleur avec le DISCEverybody30'Thierry Lerichethierryler [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Mes merveilleuses techniques pour rater une transformation agileEverybody1h30Grégory Alexandre et Arnaud Gervaisg [dot] alexandre [at] clt-services [dot] comSubmissionView
Mes merveilleuses techniques pour rater une transformation agileEverybody1h30Grégory Alexandre et Arnaud Gervaisg [dot] alexandre [at] clt-services [dot] comSubmissionView
Donner du sens au changement: Lego Serious Play dans le Lean Change ManagementEverybody30'LEOFOLD LOICloic [dot] leofold [at] astrakhan [dot] frSubmissionView
Etre Agile en familleEverybody1hJérôme Carfantanjerome [dot] carfantan [at] soat [dot] frSubmissionView
Petits Outils de Management Agile à l’usage des Honnêtes Managers Acte IIEverybody1hJean Claude GROSJEANjcgrosjean [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Petits Outils de Management Agile à l’usage des Honnêtes Managers Acte IIEverybody1hJean Claude GROSJEANjcgrosjean [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Petits Outils d'AgileUX - LeanUX à l'usage des Honnêtes Product OwnersEverybody1hJean Claude Grosjeanjcgrosjean [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Petits Outils d'AgileUX - LeanUX à l'usage des Honnêtes Product OwnersEverybody1hJean Claude Grosjeanjcgrosjean [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile project macro estimation and planning : practical stepsEverybody15'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile portfolio management toolkit in practiceExpert45'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
Processus de décision (décider plus efficacement)Everybody1h15Christophe Keromenckeromen [at] ckti [dot] comSubmissionView
Processus de décision (décider plus efficacement)Everybody1h15Christophe Keromenckeromen [at] ckti [dot] comSubmissionView
Penser le changement ou changer le pansement ?Everybody1h30christophe Keromenckeromen [at] ckti [dot] comSubmissionView
Culture agile pour non-agilistesEverybody45'christophe Kermenckeromen [at] ckti [dot] comSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
Profession : animateur de jeuEverybody45'Sébastien MENETRIERsebastien [dot] menetrier [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
L'amélioration continue, c'est l'affaire de tousEverybody1hSébastien MENETRIERsebastien [dot] menetrier [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Meeting gameEverybody1hSacha Lopezsacha [at] worklab [dot] frSubmissionView
Meeting gameEverybody1hSacha Lopezsacha [at] worklab [dot] frSubmissionView
Identifier vos rétrospectives pour qu'elles soient efficaces !Sensitized45'Pascal Poussardpascal [dot] poussard [at] soat [dot] frSubmissionView
Un chamallow dans l'espace !Everybody45'Nicolas Delahayendelahaye [at] agilbee [dot] comSubmissionView
Un chamallow dans l'espace !Everybody45'Nicolas Delahayendelahaye [at] agilbee [dot] comSubmissionView
Repousser les limites !Everybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le conflit ! Énergie renouvelable d’une équipe très performanteEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le conflit ! Énergie renouvelable d’une équipe très performanteEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Résoudre nos problèmes, gérer nos polaritésEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing organizations – Voyage au cœur du modèle présenté par LalouxEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Scaling Scrum – Introduction au cadre Nexus™Sensitized45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Immunothérapie pour le changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Problèmes insolubles et résistance au changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le second job (secret) de votre équipeEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing People – conscience et performance Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Individu et équipe – la polarité Agile !Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
3min pour convaincreEverybody45'Olivier Le Lanolivier [dot] le-lan [at] soat [dot] frSubmissionView
Mes Outils électroniques Agile, tout un programme!Everybody45'Cedric Leblondc [dot] leblond [at] libertysurf [dot] frSubmissionView
Le leadership agileEverybody45'Antonin GAUNANDantonin [dot] gaunand [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Happy !Everybody1h15Alexis Godaisalexis [dot] godais [at] buzzaka [dot] comSubmissionView
Happy !Everybody1h15Alexis Godaisalexis [dot] godais [at] buzzaka [dot] comSubmissionView
Outiller son processus et rester agile ? C'est possible !Everybody45'Julien Corioland / Pierre Lagardejucoriol [at] microsoft [dot] comSubmissionView
Outiller son processus et rester agile ? C'est possible !Everybody45'Julien Corioland / Pierre Lagardejucoriol [at] microsoft [dot] comSubmissionView
NOIBing® Agile – Explorer les besoins à 360 degrésEverybody1h30Jean-Hugues CONGIAjhcongia [at] arcileo [dot] comSubmissionView
NOIBing® Agile – Explorer les besoins à 360 degrésEverybody1h30Jean-Hugues CONGIAjhcongia [at] arcileo [dot] comSubmissionView
~ Poser les bonnes questions au bon moment pour transformer ses problèmes en challenges en co-créant ~ Everybody1h30Aurélie Le Guillouaurelie [at] turn-on [dot] frSubmissionView
Devops m’a tuéEverybody45'Virgile Delécollevirgile [dot] delecolle [at] hp [dot] comSubmissionView
Devops m’a tuéEverybody45'Virgile Delécollevirgile [dot] delecolle [at] hp [dot] comSubmissionView
Visual management : how to organize effective Agile workspaceEverybody45'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile transformation at scale: wins and failsEverybody45'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
La contractualisation à la Poste, c’est possible : Saison 3 : Dispersion géographique, même pas mal !Sensitized45'Michel LEJEUNEmichel [dot] lejeune [at] laposte [dot] frSubmissionView
La contractualisation à la Poste, c’est possible : Saison 3 : Dispersion géographique, même pas mal !Sensitized45'Michel LEJEUNEmichel [dot] lejeune [at] laposte [dot] frSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

France - Pau

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

France - Rouen

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Mes Outils électroniques Agile, tout un programme!Everybody45'Cedric Leblondc [dot] leblond [at] libertysurf [dot] frSubmissionView
Le leadership agileEverybody45'Antonin GAUNANDantonin [dot] gaunand [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Happy !Everybody1h15Alexis Godaisalexis [dot] godais [at] buzzaka [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
Learn sooner whether you are wrong: aging is just good for your wine, not for your workEverybody30'Rodrigo Sperbrodrigosperb [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView

France - Sophia-Antipolis

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Devenez acteur de votre agilité grâce au théâtre.Everybody45'Franck Rageadefranck [dot] rageade [at] persistent [dot] comSubmissionView
How to achieve a successful intrapreneurship experience in a big company…Everybody1hImane Khalikane & Bertrand Dourbertrand [dot] dour [at] agilegenius [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
De la culture projet à la culture produit avec des bananesEverybody45'Grégory Alexandreg [dot] alexandre [at] coactiv [dot] frSubmissionView
Mes merveilleuses techniques pour rater une transformation agileEverybody1h30Grégory Alexandre et Arnaud Gervaisg [dot] alexandre [at] clt-services [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile portfolio management toolkit in practiceExpert45'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
Mes Outils électroniques Agile, tout un programme!Everybody45'Cedric Leblondc [dot] leblond [at] libertysurf [dot] frSubmissionView
Retour d'XP sur une Start Up AgileEverybody1hPiet le Clercqpehelce [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Comment convaincre votre équipe de doc de devenir plus agileEverybody30'Fanny Bischofffny [dot] bischoff [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

France - Strasbourg

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

France - Toulouse

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Product Owner & Dev - A tango in communicationEverybody30'Jas ChongJas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] comSubmissionView
Flatten your organisation but not your peopleEverybody1hJas ChongJas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] comSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
Happy !Everybody1h15Alexis Godaisalexis [dot] godais [at] buzzaka [dot] comSubmissionView
~ Poser les bonnes questions au bon moment pour transformer ses problèmes en challenges en co-créant ~ Everybody1h30Aurélie Le Guillouaurelie [at] turn-on [dot] frSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

France - Vannes

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Repousser les limites !Everybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le conflit ! Énergie renouvelable d’une équipe très performanteEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Résoudre nos problèmes, gérer nos polaritésEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing organizations – Voyage au cœur du modèle présenté par LalouxEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Scaling Scrum – Introduction au cadre Nexus™Sensitized45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Immunothérapie pour le changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Problèmes insolubles et résistance au changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le second job (secret) de votre équipeEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing People – conscience et performance Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Individu et équipe – la polarité Agile !Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Mes Outils électroniques Agile, tout un programme!Everybody45'Cedric Leblondc [dot] leblond [at] libertysurf [dot] frSubmissionView
~ Poser les bonnes questions au bon moment pour transformer ses problèmes en challenges en co-créant ~ Everybody1h30Aurélie Le Guillouaurelie [at] turn-on [dot] frSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Great Britain - Belfast

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

India - Bengaluru

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

India - Chennai

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

India - Hyderabad

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

India - New Dehli NCR

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

India - Pune

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Ireland - Dublin

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Israel - Haïfa

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Israel - Tel Aviv

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Italia - Brescia

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Japon - Osaka

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Lettonie - Riga

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Liban - Beirut

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Lithuania - Kaunas

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Lithuania - Vilnius

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Luxembourg - Luxembourg

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
Learn sooner whether you are wrong: aging is just good for your wine, not for your workEverybody30'Rodrigo Sperbrodrigosperb [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView

Maroc - Ifrane

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Maroc - Marrakech

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Maroc - Oujda

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Maroc - Rabat

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Maroc - Settat

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

RDC - Kinshasa

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Republic of Singapore - Singapore

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Product Owner & Dev - A tango in communicationEverybody30'Jas ChongJas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] comSubmissionView
Flatten your organisation but not your peopleEverybody1hJas ChongJas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile portfolio management toolkit in practiceExpert45'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Romania - Bucharest

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Switzerland - Genève

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile4HR... Hacking corporate cultureSensitized1h30Pierre E. Neispierre [at] wecompany [dot] meSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
Repousser les limites !Everybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le conflit ! Énergie renouvelable d’une équipe très performanteEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Résoudre nos problèmes, gérer nos polaritésEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing organizations – Voyage au cœur du modèle présenté par LalouxEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Scaling Scrum – Introduction au cadre Nexus™Sensitized45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Immunothérapie pour le changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Problèmes insolubles et résistance au changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le second job (secret) de votre équipeEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing People – conscience et performance Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Individu et équipe – la polarité Agile !Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Switzerland - Lausanne

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile4HR... Hacking corporate cultureSensitized1h30Pierre E. Neispierre [at] wecompany [dot] meSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
Retour d'expérience d'une startup 100% agile, active dans le e-commerce Everybody45'Jerome Perakisjerome [dot] perakis [at] wecanliveonmars [dot] comSubmissionView
Repousser les limites !Everybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le conflit ! Énergie renouvelable d’une équipe très performanteEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Résoudre nos problèmes, gérer nos polaritésEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing organizations – Voyage au cœur du modèle présenté par LalouxEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Scaling Scrum – Introduction au cadre Nexus™Sensitized45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Immunothérapie pour le changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Problèmes insolubles et résistance au changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le second job (secret) de votre équipeEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing People – conscience et performance Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Individu et équipe – la polarité Agile !Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Switzerland - Sierre

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Mettons en mouvement la solution !Everybody1h30Frederic Duffaufrederic [at] duffau-consulting [dot] comSubmissionView
Repousser les limites !Everybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le conflit ! Énergie renouvelable d’une équipe très performanteEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Résoudre nos problèmes, gérer nos polaritésEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing organizations – Voyage au cœur du modèle présenté par LalouxEverybody1h30Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Scaling Scrum – Introduction au cadre Nexus™Sensitized45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Immunothérapie pour le changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Problèmes insolubles et résistance au changementEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Le second job (secret) de votre équipeEverybody45'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Reinventing People – conscience et performance Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
Individu et équipe – la polarité Agile !Everybody20'Tremeur Balboustbalbous [at] pyxis-tech [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Taiwan - HsinChu

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Taiwan - Taichung

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Taiwan - Tapei

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Thailand - Bangkok

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Tunisie - Tunis

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Ukraine - Kiev

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

United Kingdom - London

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
User Story Mapping - A Crash CourseEverybody2h00Frances Placefrances [at] whiteoctober [dot] co [dot] ukSubmissionView
Catching the Good onesEverybody1h15Ralph van Roosmalen / Daan van Oschralphvanroosmalen [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile4HR... Hacking corporate cultureSensitized1h30Pierre E. Neispierre [at] wecompany [dot] meSubmissionView
Product Owner & Dev - A tango in communicationEverybody30'Jas ChongJas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] comSubmissionView
Flatten your organisation but not your peopleEverybody1hJas ChongJas [dot] chong [at] ascenthcc [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile portfolio management toolkit in practiceExpert45'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile transformation at scale: wins and failsEverybody45'Sergey Larionovsla [at] octo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

USA - Philadelphia

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

USA - Phoenix

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

USA - Raleigh

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
The Pumpkin PlanEverybody1hMike Michalowiczli [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] comSubmissionView
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Venezuela - Caracas

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Venezuela - Mérida

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Vietnam - Hanoi

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
Oasis - Agile Farm House DevelopmentEverybody45'Yogesh Shindeyogeshshinde [at] yahoo [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView

Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh

TitleLevelTimeSpeakerEmailSubmitted PageView Page
Agile & Lean Impediment GameEverybody2h00Ben Lindersbenlinders [at] gmail [dot] comSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView
How to manage distributed teams successfullyEverybody3h00Hugo Messerh [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nlSubmissionView